Sunday, March 1, 2015

Native Sons

Bigger is a murder, rapist, fugitive, and thief. Yet some people still read about him and think that he is really a good person who was just put in the wrong situations. I see Bigger as he is at base value. He is a criminal and no matter how he got there he still committed crimes. Thus i see don't see Bigger in some heavenly light as a nice person in the wrong place. Bigger is not a nice person in fact he is quite the opposite. He doesn't make good choices, he doesn't help those he should, and he messes up the only true chance he had. Maybe if Bigger had tried a little bit harder, or actually have been in the wrong place at the right time i could believe that he is really a good person.
Though i don't like Bigger i do believe his punishment was wrong. In my opinion the death penalty should never be used, even if Bigger killed two people. The death penalty takes us back to a time when we couldn't function as a society, and required brute force to resolve our problems. Also it is not the choice of others whether or not someone should lose all the years they would naturally live. I don't believe Bigger is a good person he is just a bad person in bad situations.

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