Sunday, October 26, 2014


The Early Life of Ernest Hemingway
By Odin Slade Byrd

     Ernest Hemingway was an american author who lived from 1899 to 1961. When Ernest was a young child his family life was quite odd. His mother controlled the house and even bullied her husband. Also she forced Ernest to wear clothes and make up that made him look like a girl. This behavior was forced upon earnest until he was about 7, and possibly caused him the need for super masculinity. After Ernest's childhood years were over he volunteered to join the red cross, for he was unable to fight in World War 1 due to eyesight problems. During the war Ernest was wounded and spent many months recuperating in a hospital in Italy where he met Agnes von Kurowsky. After the war Ernest returned to America and left Agnes. The war inspired Ernest to write about life during the war, and in the field hospital.
     In America Ernest worked for the Toronto star, and also moved to Chicago. In Chicago Ernest met Hadley Richardson. They fell in love and were later married. After their marriage the two set off for Paris. In Paris Ernest meets the finest writers and artists of that time including Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound. Hemingway's first book is published in 1923, and it is called "Three Stories and Ten Poems". Also Hemingway's first son John is born on the 10th of October 1923. Hemingway also meets F. Scott Fitzgerald in Paris, and they become friends. In 1926 Hemingway publishes "The Sun Also Rises", and it receives amazing reviews. Then on April 4th 1927 Hemingway divorces Hadley, marries Pauline Pfeiffer, and the two of them move to Key West.

And this is where I believe the early life of Ernest Hemingway ends.


  1. Why do you only talk about his early life?

  2. I feel that it's pretty cool that he had such an adventure thrilled life traveling all around the world and doing many different things such as hunting in Africa.
