Thursday, December 11, 2014


Janie is a woman in the book Their Eyes Were Watching God. She was married to a man named Logan, but due to Logan's want for her to work she decided to run away with a man named Joe. Joe got her to run a way with him, by promising her a happy life with him. He told her that he had money saved from working earlier in his life. Then after many visits he gave her an ultimatum to either run away with him or stay with Logan. She decided to run away with him, for Janie believed that true love was not to be found with Logan but with Joe. After many years of living with Joe Janie had become an established woman. Her life was not as happy as it seemed though. Joe had her working in his shop, and he constantly attacked her with verbal onslaughts until one day Janie counterattacked. She fought back while many of Joe's friends where present, and there fore shattered his social standing due to his inability to control his wife. After this incident Joe became very ill and continued his life until the day that Janie decided to talk to him about how he constantly abused her verbally. Though Janie was unable to do what she wanted for while she talked Joe managed to shoo her off, and died immediately after. After Joe's death Janie was finally free, and decided to find true love with a man who came to her one day, and whose name was Vergible Woods.
To be continued... 

Monday, November 24, 2014


Odin Slade Byrd
Thanksgiving Assignment
Thankful for Josh

I am thankful for Joshua Huang. He is relatively short, very smart, a hard worker, and plays league of legends. I am thankful for the last three things in that list. I don't particularly feel thankful for his short height, but his work ethic, intelligence, and game choices are much to my liking. Josh works hard on group project and on solo ones too, and he is always willing to help you out if you don't understand something. I am thankful for his intelligence, for it makes his opinion, and all of his believes have a higher value to me, and allows for him to be very potent in needed information. The last characteristic of Josh i am thankful for is his game choices. Josh chooses to play one game, and that game is League of Legends. Now this may seem low, but i love League of Legends and having an intelligent hard working person who also likes League of Legends as your classmate is just a great thing. Thank you Josh, for being you, and being good at being you.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


The Early Life of Ernest Hemingway
By Odin Slade Byrd

     Ernest Hemingway was an american author who lived from 1899 to 1961. When Ernest was a young child his family life was quite odd. His mother controlled the house and even bullied her husband. Also she forced Ernest to wear clothes and make up that made him look like a girl. This behavior was forced upon earnest until he was about 7, and possibly caused him the need for super masculinity. After Ernest's childhood years were over he volunteered to join the red cross, for he was unable to fight in World War 1 due to eyesight problems. During the war Ernest was wounded and spent many months recuperating in a hospital in Italy where he met Agnes von Kurowsky. After the war Ernest returned to America and left Agnes. The war inspired Ernest to write about life during the war, and in the field hospital.
     In America Ernest worked for the Toronto star, and also moved to Chicago. In Chicago Ernest met Hadley Richardson. They fell in love and were later married. After their marriage the two set off for Paris. In Paris Ernest meets the finest writers and artists of that time including Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound. Hemingway's first book is published in 1923, and it is called "Three Stories and Ten Poems". Also Hemingway's first son John is born on the 10th of October 1923. Hemingway also meets F. Scott Fitzgerald in Paris, and they become friends. In 1926 Hemingway publishes "The Sun Also Rises", and it receives amazing reviews. Then on April 4th 1927 Hemingway divorces Hadley, marries Pauline Pfeiffer, and the two of them move to Key West.

And this is where I believe the early life of Ernest Hemingway ends.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

6 Six Word Sentences

Brazilian paper factory profits double suddenly.

Few flowers after sudden chemical outbreak.

Healthy man drops dead in hospital.

Jailbreak at Alcatraz no casualties occurred.

Shirt for sale, few blood stains.

Fire occurs in rural concrete building.

Friday, September 19, 2014

John Proctor Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor Hero or Stooge?

I believe that John Proctor is a hero. He stands up for the truth while much of the town lies and deceives in order to serve their own agenda. John is relatively honest throughout the book, and tries to right his wrongs. He also tries to help his wife who he isn't even very attracted to. Proctor also goes to Salem by his own accord, just for the sake of knowing the truth. Thus Proctor is shown to be a kinder character, as opposed to someone like Abigail who uses power and deception to get what she wants. In the end Proctor is hanged for working with the devil without confessing, which makes him look bad but he stills holds the title of hero in my book.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

There Goes the Neighborhood

There Goes the Neighborhood

Akecheta and I were the first to see the foreigners. At first they were kind to us. They gave us many gifts such as beautiful beads and patterns. We accepted graciously, and in return we provided them with food and any such supplies they required. Then the disease hit. Many of us died, and then they weren't kind to us. They were a constant danger, an source of evil. Their so called gifts were really poison that just destroyed us. They ripped trees from the ground, and destroyed the once beautiful land. They also began to drive us from our homes, and they used whatever means they thought necessary to do so. They had weapons of gods, our bows and spears were no match for the guns and swords. They charged us on large beasts that could run faster than the best of us. Our only chance was to run, and so we did. After they came we were soon gone. Even now they continue to push west, and we are attempting to defend ourselves with no avail. They may have pushed us from our home, destroyed the beautiful forests we called home, and ravaged our society with deadly diseases, but we will have revenge! We will may them pay the way they did to us! 

Thursday, September 4, 2014



I am a 14-year-old boy. I live on the north side of Chicago in a neighborhood known as Albany Park. I live in apartment building that my father is the landlord of. I attend Whitney M. Young Magnet High school, and I am in my freshman year. Before attending Whitney Young, I went to Alexander Graham Bell elementary school for second through sixth grade. Even before I went to Bell I went to Hibbard elementary school, and for preschool and kindergarten, I went to Pilgrim Lutherine. I have an older brother named Cormac and we get along reasonably well. The rest of my family is relatively normal. Along with my mother and father, I also have a dog named Pippi. In school, I enjoy science math, and of course lunch. Out of school, I enjoy rowing, video games, and TV. I am about six feet tall making my physical potential great, and with two very intelligent parents, I am also mentally benefited. I am incredibly good at strategy, but I am very weak at puzzles. I also have a relatively fast reaction time, yet that is paired with a terrible brain for memorization. I have many strengths and equal weaknesses, and the one thing that is my greatest of both is my insatiable love of technology.